Review: The Book Thief

“Usually we walk around constantly believing ourselves. ‘I’m okay’ we say. ‘I’m alright’. But sometimes the truth arrives on you and you can’t get it off.”

The Book Thief is one of my favorite books I have read and also one of the first books that I have read in hardcopy, as I usually prefer to read online (everyone has their own preference), but I would highly recommend that you read it in the hardcopy as having a physical copy of the novel creates the perfect atmosphere for reading.

The story is set in Germany during World War II, but it doesn’t focus on war, but instead how normal people were living during the time of war and under the rule of Adolf Hitler. The book is narrated by Death and focuses on the life of a young orphaned girl, Liesel, who loves to read books she had stolen while also helping her parents hide a Jew, Max in their house.

This story makes us understand human cruelty from the perspective of Death, who watches humans destroy each other, causes destruction, and leaves Death to clear their mess up. We as readers observe how war has torn apart people’s lives on both sides, how much Hitler was admired and worshipped by the people for historical context.

“I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race-that rarely do I ever simply estimate it”  – Death

The Book Thief Review
Insta @whatsenalireads

I can easily say that it is one of the best historical books, and the way Markus Zusak has written the book Thief in an unusual style which might take time to get used for some people. It is quite emotional for reading, filled with heartbreaking love.

Personally, I have read the book the same way Death had narrated the whole story, detached from the character and the story (in a positive way). One of the things I like is how Death gives us a clue or foreshadows what is gonna happen later which leaves us to try to figure it out (for some people like me) and also prepares us for what might happen so it does affect us.


The book Thief is filled with both serious and comical elements, which quite gives us relief from all the happening around Liesel. My favorite characters in the story are Hans the foster father of Liesel, Max the jew hiding in the basement of Hubermann’s house, Rudy the best friend of Liesel(for me the interesting character) and obviously Liesel.

The Book Thief Review
Insta @stacietess_

Hans was a very good father who helped Liesel adjust to her new home and taught her how to read a book every night she woke up due to her nightmares even though he had to work the next morning. Max was Jew who was hiding at his friends place but later shifted to Hubermann’s home, during his stay in the basement he made friends with Liesel which kept her accompanied, but he was also feeling guilty as he knew hiding a Jew can be quite dangerous for Liesel’s family. Personally for me Rudy is like an idiot friend who is quite amusing but loyal, he was like a partner in crime for Liesel.

Excluding the above-mentioned character Liesel’ mother Rosa was a very harsh spoken person, quick tempered, swears most of the time but if you look further into her character you might find she is quite a caring person. Rosa’s favorite word was “Saumensch” (pig or bitch) which usually used to address everyone, especially her loved one .


Reading this we are able to see how people during World War II or in the past lived, even if people have nothing, they are living happy lives and enjoying their days like in the case of Liesel and Rudy. We can also see how people lived in fear in the bunker in case there might be bombing at their heads the next moment. During this period Germany was under dictator Adolf Hitler, we can see many inhuman atrocities that were committed against Jewish people and the common masses supporting it blindly, how Hitler was revered in the schools and how people against Hitler regimes were suppressed like Hans.


When I started reading The Book Thief, it started as normal novel reading but later it kept me engaged in the story that I have finished in a few days. Some people might argue the ending was heartbreaking but for me it was a satisfying way to end the book and clues already prepared me for what’s to come. There is also a movie made on it, and I have heard the ending in the movie is not harsh as it was in the book.

The Book Thief Review
Insta @juanagarciapoetry
The Book Thief Review
Insta @juanagarciapoetry







Make sure to check The Book Thief out at least once. Don’t let the size scare you, once you start reading the book you will forget about its size. The Book Thief can be your start in the world of novels. For more books reviews click on following link

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